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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Harming an animal should be more severely punished

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Harming an animal should be more severely punished

Letter writer 'disgusted' to read about recent animal cruelty case
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Alleviate poverty to reduce homelessness

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Alleviate poverty to reduce homelessness

Letter writers weigh in on homelessness in Nanaimo
OPINION: Homelessness projections confirm crisis situation

OPINION: Homelessness projections confirm crisis situation

Guest columnist compares homelessness in Nanaimo with Medicine Hat, Alta.
Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 11

Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 11

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cleanup crews needed to spruce up downtown

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cleanup crews needed to spruce up downtown

Nanaimo's downtown core has deteriorated, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Banks should be more proactive in protecting clients’ accounts

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Banks should be more proactive in protecting clients’ accounts

Letter writer thinks financial institutions should better inform clients about potential scams and frauds
Nanaimo drivers asked to keep streets safe with school back in session

Nanaimo drivers asked to keep streets safe with school back in session

School zones back in effect Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 4

Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 4

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
WOLF: What fond memories of school stand out for you?

WOLF: What fond memories of school stand out for you?

COLUMN: A long run comes to an end this week
Energy matters: Why insulation now tops my list of home upgrades

Energy matters: Why insulation now tops my list of home upgrades

New column by Nicole Brown with FortisBC