To the editor,
Re: City forming concrete plans to fix Colliery Dam Park’s middle dam, March 20.
I attended and spoke as a delegate at the council meeting when the dams were discussed. It was disheartening to hear the report from staff and the consultant. Much of the language: ‘old, very concerned, unsafe, liability, worst dams, not in compliance,’ seemed to be a replay from 2012.
Ten years ago, the community fought to retain the lakes but were left with a huge auxiliary spillway of questionable benefit that was deemed necessary to ‘solve’ the dam problem. This construction destroyed another section of our park creating an awful eyesore and a serious hazard to park users.
Recently, without forewarning, there has been further work done at the park that has had detrimental impact. Staff acknowledge that the recreational viability of the lake is being compromised but have not explored more suitable and less intrusive measures as requested.
Now we are being told that further work is required at the middle dam. To date, no corresponding impact or costing is available.
While there is no plan to remove the dam, the messaging is that work is essential and because the consultant ‘likes this dam’ we should be assured that all will be well. Much information was previously produced that was misleading or incorrect and resulted in incredible waste of time and money. The current process does not ensure trust of the city’s intentions and plan.
What is required is engagement with the community and oversight from council in order to protect and enhance this incredible asset which services an ever-growing population.
Jeff Solomon, Nanaimo
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