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Virtual learning offers additional opportunities

Re: Future of secondary schools discussion back on front burner, June 14.

To the Editor,

Re: Future of secondary schools discussion back on front burner, June 14.

I have to agree with trustee Jamie Brennan’s statement “ has become difficult for secondary schools to meet the course needs of students...”

I don’t think it’s only lack of enrolment though, I think cutbacks have made it difficult to provide staff, support staff or materials to offer the courses and or help wanted by students.

Parents and students have had to seek alternatives to allow for additional courses not offered at their local schools.

My daughter is in Grade 10 at Cedar Community Secondary School and since Grade 9, she has combined high school courses with the Learn@Home program (out of NDSS), which allows students to work at their own pace within the school year.

She wanted to take Literature 12 this coming fall at her school, but due to lack of enrolment she may have to look at other options.

She will however be taking marine biology offered at Learn@Home in the spring of next year.

Her accelerated path to graduation would not be possible without the alternative learning structures offered.

The idea of transporting students to different schools may be a good idea for hands-on type of courses, whereas virtual learning and/or Learn@Home is a great tool to provide additional courses not offered in the local schools.

I am hopeful the committee can fast-track some of these ideas to offer students a new realm of possibilities in learning, as it is needed.

Denise Malsbury
