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Security frivolous waste of money

NANAIMO – Even with a shakeup at the top bureaucratic echelons of City Hall the spin-doctoring is off to a fast and furious continuation

To the Editor,

Re: Security added during recent city meetings, Aug. 20.

Get ready, Nanaimo – even with a shake-up at the top bureaucratic echelons of City Hall the spin-doctoring is off to a fast and furious continuation.

The city’s new acting general manager said security is standing on guard at council meetings not for our elected officials and top staff but “for the public and to protect the public’s interest.” The conference centre’s general manager even stretched the BS level, equating council meetings here to the explosive Stanley Cup riot in Vancouver.

Give me a break, dear high salary earners.

You’re spewing nonsense, and giving more fine examples of how our tax dollars are being frivolously wasted.

The mayor and outgoing city manager even told council they knew nothing about security, but a day later e-mailed a citizen to admit the conference centre did.

If the conference centre did, wouldn’t the two highest-ranking city officials know what was going on in their council chambers since they are the two top officials watching where they spend all our tax dollars?

Kevan Shaw
