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Rising gasoline prices play havoc on society

Re: Recent gasoline prices points to gouging, Letters, June 26.

To the Editor,

Re: Recent gasoline prices points to gouging, Letters, June 26.

I’m in full agreement with Petra Tschauner’s letter in the June 26 Bulletin.

I have no idea why gas prices are so high but I do know that I gassed up at a Co-op service station in Langford, full serve, at 112.9 /litre on June 16 and came home the same day to Nanaimo where Co-op is asking 137.9/l.

Any explanations from the oil companies? I certainly would be interested in hearing them.

When the working people pay so much for gas to get themselves to work to support their families, they have to cut something in their already tight budgets.

The same for the unemployed or retired that must get to appointments or do their shopping. This takes food off tables for many. Children are doing with less because of the greed. Elderly folks are being pinched even more financially.

This also gives grocery stores an excuse to raise their prices. I do believe that all things come full circle and each of us is responsible for our actions, for good or bad.

I can live with myself, can they?

Lee Masciarelli
