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Recycling a better solution than incinerating

The proposal to build an incinerator at Duke Point to burn garbage from Metro Vancouver must be stopped in its tracks.

To the Editor,

The proposal to build an incinerator at Duke Point to burn garbage from Metro Vancouver must be stopped in its tracks. This project makes no sense for a multitude of reasons.

In Europe, as recycling has improved, incinerators require imported waste to continue operation. If the beast is built at Duke Point we will need to feed it and if Metro Vancouver makes serious moves towards zero waste then what? Are we also going to start importing waste?

Too much of the debate centres around whether incinerating garbage is better than landfilling. The question of whether we should burn or bury our garbage is the wrong question. We should be asking, how do we reduce the amount of waste we are creating? And how can we better re-use our waste and then recycle what is left over?

Over-packaging of consumer goods has increased astronomically. One solution is to tax single-use disposable items and packaging that is not biodegradable or fully recyclable. Higher eco-fees and return deposits are needed for goods that are difficult or expensive to recycle.

Incinerating garbage only dumps the problem in the air rather than the landfill. There are serious health concerns. The real solution is to reduce, reuse and recycle. The City of Nanaimo and the Regional District of Nanaimo should be saying yes to the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange and saying no to an incinerator at Duke Point.

Paul ManlyNanaimo