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Passing-lane legislation supports highway safety

I support behaviour that is more likely to improve highway safety.

To the Editor,

Re: Left-lane laws not necessary, Editorial, March 12.

I have driven in every Canadian province and every American state and have to tell you that the lane discipline displayed by British drivers on their major highways is far superior to the disordered chaos of North American highways even if the Brits do drive on the wrong side of the road. In the U.K. it is illegal to pass on the inside and drivers invariably pull in to the inside lanes once they have passed slower traffic. If they don’t they can/will be ticketed. I see no reason why the adoption of similar laws here would not be of eventual benefit to all those drivers who take their lives in their hands when forced by passing-lane road hogs to pass on the inside.

I support behaviour that is more likely to improve highway safety, while the attitude displayed in your editorial will merely continue the doubtful benefits of the road roulette that exists today when cars pass each other both to the left and the right.

Garry BradfordNanaimo