To the editor,
Re: City councillors recommend against natural gas in new homes, Aug. 9.
The mayor and council can’t seem to grasp the basic functions of their mandate which is to provide necessary services to their constituents who happen to be taxpayers. I have seen many unfinished projects over the years, in fact too many to count, but a few examples such as the Harbourfront Walkway stand out.
We have a criminal element coupled with a homelessness problem unprecedented in most countries and taxes and fees that financially choke the average family.
There is crumbling infrastructure and the projects that do get completed come over budget and not on time yet our elected officials have once again climbed on the climate bandwagon with recommending regulating gas in new homes.
Are all the necessary projects completed? Is all the crime solved? Is our cost of living in this city becoming more manageable? Have we seen a decrease or at least a pause on tax increases or fees?
I suggest our elected officials take a good, hard look at what they are elected to do which is look after the local problems and not involve themselves in pet projects and global issues that clearly they are not up to the task of completing.
Kristian Valing, Nanaimo
READ ALSO: City of Nanaimo curious about its authority to limit new natural gas hookups
To the editor,
Re: City councillors recommend against natural gas in new homes, Aug. 9.
Just how dare the city even propose that? Fortis gas has scientists who are using renewable carbon gases to provide heat for houses, and council is proposing such illogical measures?
When the power goes out in winter, these poor folks will be left to freeze. In the first place, all residents and homeowners know that we will never buy any homes without natural gas heat, so these houses will be left vacant. In B.C. and in places in the U.S.A., we are now using renewable gases for heating homes, this is one of the best renewable sources and city council members are thinking of us getting back to just electricity for heating?
We’re lucky to have scientists making use of renewable heating sources.
Jing Vance, Nanaimo
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