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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Drug decriminalization seems like backward thinking

Letter writers feel open drug use tied to some of Nanaimo’s social issues
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To the editor,

Re: Different approaches like decriminalization desperately needed, Letters, Feb. 22.

By using those methodologies, giving drug addicts more drugs, we should start giving bank robbers money, stalkers binoculars and arsonists matches and lighters.

Absolutely backward thinking from those who are either too book smart, are way too compassionate or simply feel they need to enable rather than say no and show some tough love.

Bottom line, the drugs being used are causing erratic behaviours, injuries to many and brain and body problems which can never be fixed.

A.E. Williams, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Spending money isn’t enough to curb crime, say speakers at safety rally in Nanaimo

To the editor,

Re: Different approaches like decriminalization desperately needed, Letters, Feb. 22.

I suggest the letter writers who champion open street drug use with all the government free fixings, smarten up.

These kinds of horrible mistruths increase the crime and deaths engulfing our streets. Instead, to be good people, they should open up their own homes and help the drug addicted and criminals on a one-on-one basis – or are they just NIMBYs?

Noah Oliver, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Mental health care, addiction treatment crucial to combat homelessness

To the editor,

Re: We should be proactive addressing social issues, Letters, March 8.

Rather than sitting at home, I would ask the letter writer and others to invite those living on the street and those committing crimes to stay in their homes.

Those protesting the bus exchange have also been lobbying and writing government officials and holding placards at safety-for-everyone rallies asking for help and change.

Be part of the solutions, not the griping.

J.C. Broderick, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Pointing blame won’t bring real transformation

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press Media or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

Letters policy: Letters should be no longer than 250 words and will be edited. Preference is given to letters expressing an opinion on issues of local relevance or responding to items published in the News Bulletin. Include your address (it won’t be published) and a first name or two initials, and a surname. Unsigned letters will not be published. Letters sent to the News Bulletin may also be published in the Ladysmith Chronicle.

Mail: Letters, Nanaimo News Bulletin, 777 Poplar St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 2H7

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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