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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Virus vaccine anticipated

We will all soon be back to normal, says letter writer
This undated photo issued by the University of Oxford shows of vial of coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, in Oxford, England. (University of Oxford/John Cairns via AP)

To the editor,

Re: Potential vaccine news brightens dark day marked by rising COVID-19 cases and deaths, Nov. 18.

Hats off to all of the world’s scientists who have a vaccine now for the COVID virus. We will all soon be back to normal and return back to all of our fun activities which we have missed so much.

There has been a statement from our prime minister stating that the first quarter of the new year, vaccines will start being distributing. Our prayers have been answered. Sometimes, we just have to wait for things to come about.

Of course, we will keep our social distancing up and washing our hands and being careful and not let our guard down. I feel it is such a tremendous load off my shoulders as this has been quite the nightmare that was really quite the reality. We soon will be back to normal living and having those wonderful social gatherings that we all have missed so much.

Linda Smith, Nanaimo

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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