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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sidewalks badly needed near south-end school

Letter writer agrees with parents’ safety concerns around Bayview Elementary
Residents have expressed concern about road safety and accessibility around Bayview Elementary School in Nanaimo’s south end. (News Bulletin photo)

To the editor,

Re: Road safety concerns raised in the Bayview School area, March 8.

Good luck on that. The issue was raised and is in the South End Community Plan from 2010, with drawings showing planters and a community garden on the overgrown wedge in front of the school.

A revised, simpler, less costly version in my view would be just get the sidewalks done before another generation comes and goes.

Simply done would be sidewalks on Needham and Bing Kee, with the half-block-long one-way on View Street reversed, and the angled road in front of the store one-way northerly with a ‘do not enter’ at the Needham at Victoria intersection. This creates a safe drop-off loop for students. A sidewalk is needed desperately on that angled stretch.

Action would be nice, but I quit holding my breath.

Neil Saunders, Nanaimo

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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