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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Plastic use shouldn’t be regulated

Plastic waste is the landfill’s problem, says letter writer
Single-use plastic bag ban coming for all of Canada soon. (Canadian Press photo/Paul Chaisson)

To the editor,

Re: Let’s limit the layer of plastic we leave behind, Editorial, July 13.

Plastic is cheap and convenient. It’s up to owners of regional landfills to determine the best scientific way to dispose of plastic, not municipal, provincial or federal government regulations that violate the liberty of these owners and all those who appreciate the fantastic innovation of this industry.

Reusable bags are not as sanitary as single-use plastic bags which are convenient in so many ways. Plastics are cheap and weigh little to nothing at all, as opposed to heavy glass containers. Paper beverage containers are not as cheap as plastic (thereby passing the increase in price to the consumer). The paper bags and paper products are the result of cutting down more trees – an environmental no-no.

The disappearance of plastic from our daily lives is a travesty. Plastics benefit us all in so many unacknowledged ways. I say three cheers for plastic.

Lynn MacKenzie, Nanaimo

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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