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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: More parking needed than what’s planned at Westwood Lake Park

Create enough space for a growing population to enjoy the park, says letter writer
A concept image showing what a new parking lot might look like at Westwood Lake Park. (City of Nanaimo image)

To the editor,

Here we go again. Summer arrives and everyone heads to Westwood Lake and tries to find a parking spot.

I was excited to see after couple of decades the city finally plans to upgrade the parking, access road and beach area. Until I saw they will only add 36 new parking spots. Coming from a planning background I can assure you that 36 spots is not enough. It may be enough for the current busy days but in a few years it will not be enough. And how long do you think it will be before they increase the parking capacity again? Decades? This is a case of reactive planning – instead of proactive planning.

Certainly the park will be nicer when upgraded this fall but that will only draw more visitors. Not to mention the return of folks who avoid Westwood because of the parking. Nanaimo is one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada. Even if they double the parking capacity that will only be adequate for a few years.

Please contact the city and voice your concerns before its too late. It’s your tax dollars.

We all know what happened at Long Lake when they upgraded the parking lot – there are actually fewer spots. But it’s pretty.

Tim Silbernagel, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Nanaimo councillors recommend reconstruction of parking lot at Westwood Lake

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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