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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Keep climate action coming in Nanaimo

Decision-making on transit, development and electricity use are next steps, says letter writer
Kudos to the City of Nanaimo on its climate disclosure award, but let’s see more action, says letter writer. (News Bulletin file photo)

To the editor,

Re: City makes ‘A-list’ as part of Climate Disclosure Project, Dec. 7.

Congratulations and kudos to the City of Nanaimo on the recent recognition by the global Climate Disclosure Project for its climate action work. Now how about some concrete action on the following issues:

Developing a mass transit system that people will actually use – one that’s attractive and convenient.

Better management of Nanaimo’s urban form, particularly residential development. For example, approving large-scale developments at the extreme ends of Nanaimo only means that residents thereof will need to rely on fossil-fuelled vehicles for personal transportation, deliveries, commuting, etc.

A more reliable electricity transmission system before encouraging more electric vehicles, or banning use of natural gas for heating.

Kenn Hample, Nanaimo

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press Media or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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