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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Holocaust history must continually be told and retold

This historical evidence must not be lost to the world or history will repeat itself
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To the editor,

Jan. 27 was declared International Holocaust Day. Statistics reveal that many people do not know that 6 million Jews were murdered and many do not believe this happened. Well it did happen. At age seven my mother and I immigrated to Canada after the war. As a child I was ashamed to let people know I was German because of what Hitler did to the Jewish people. As anti-Semitism is on the rise again and also rears its ugly head again with the boycott, divestment, sanctions movement.

We need to be aware of what is happening. This historical evidence must not be lost to the world or history will repeat itself. We owe it to the Jewish people and we need to teach it in our history classes in our schools.

Regina Seib, Nanaimo

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