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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Appeal court decision on plastic bags misguided

Province should support municipalities’ efforts to take environmental action, says letter writer
(Black Press File Photo) The City of Victoria’s plastic bag bylaw was deemed invalid by the B.C. Court of Appeal last week.

To the editor,

Re: B.C. Court of Appeal deems Victoria plastic bag ban bylaw invalid, July 11.

I am beyond shocked and dismayed at last week’s court decision to strike down the City of Victoria’s single-use plastic bag ban. The B.C. justice system is clearly completely misguided and pandering to deep-pocketed lobbyists, with the thinnest of arguments.

We are in a climate crisis of still undefined severity. Every day the timelines get shorter and the consequences more dire. Every level of government and every individual must do what they can to fight this emergency. And yet, the B.C. courts decide to split hairs in a ridiculous argument and prevent a municipality from taking even the smallest action. Shame.

I urge, no I demand, that the NDP government immediately support B.C. municipalities to take appropriate actions required to fight the climate emergency. It is time for the Province of B.C. to be a true leader, and not just in plans and on paper, but in real action right now.

Wanda Thompson, Nanaimo

RELATED: New council resumes Nanaimo’s work toward plastic bag ban

READ ALSO: B.C. grocery store uses embarrassing plastic bags to get shoppers to go reusable

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin. If you have a different view, we encourage you to write to us or contribute to the discussion below.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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