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Laws with teeth would stop abuse

NANAIMO: Re: Court system, politicians must protect animals, Letters, Nov. 15.

To the Editor,

Re: Court system, politicians must protect animals, Letters, Nov. 15.

Reading Shirley Lee’s letter, I couldn’t agree more.

Here we have a young man, taking his uncontrollable rage out on a dog. Does it ever get that sick?

Yes, it does.

Does he have children? I hope not. An aging parent or grandparent? There again, hopefully not.

He has shown himself to be inadequate in a fairly simple situation. A person that can’t care properly for a dog, can’t care for anyone else. His age is inconsequential. Personality is set at a young age and one such as  him would have to work hard to make himself acceptable. I really don’t care about his past history, don’t we all have one?

My newly adopted Valentino, a beautiful, three-legged, mostly toothless, one and a half eared, battled scarred, traumatized dog lends credence to the notion that we can change things. He survived against the greatest odds.

His abusers should have been given the massive bill others paid to ensure that he lived. We need big laws, with much bigger teeth. If people can’t abuse animals, who the heck do you think they will turn their attention to?

These little creeps would never want to take on one that will fight back. People who will meet them on their own ground. People like me.

Lee Masciarelli
