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Elected school board isn’t working

A group of ‘special interest’ trustees is once again undermining the sincere and thoughtful work of an experienced board that preceded them.

To the Editor,

Re: Trustees vote to halt Cedar school work, Dec. 16.

Here we go again. A group of ‘special interest’ trustees is once again undermining the sincere and thoughtful work of an experienced board that preceded them.

We saw that happen in 2008-09 when a new board vetoed a well-thought-out plan and cost the district millions in new construction. A new high school would have at that time served the Nanaimo school district for decades and the current situation may have been avoided.

Regardless of the outcome of the board of education deliberations regarding Cedar Community Secondary School, there will be significant cost to the district.

It is time we considered alternatives to an elected board of education. Perhaps successful citizens appointed by a central board? It is time we developed a system that allowed for professional long-term planning and eliminates ad hoc short-term planning that suits the election cycle.

With decreasing enrolment and advancing technology, it is time we considered the geography of school districts and took a more regional view.

It is time for change that will maximize the advice of professional planners and professional educators and at the same time protect the public interest in our education system.

Jack DoanNanaimo