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Editorial: Every vote is important

Today (May 9) is voting day, the climax and the conclusion of the B.C. general election
It’s election day and we’re about to find out how voters were listening, to whom they were listening, and what they heard. (NEWS BULLETIN file)

Here comes the best part of the whole campaign.

Today (May 9) is voting day, the climax and the conclusion of the B.C. general election.

When we say this is the best part, we’re saying that not because the campaign is over (though some of the attack ads and robocalls have become tiresome). No, it’s the best part because as voters, it’s finally our turn.

The local candidates and the party leaders have been talking to us and talking at us during a four-week campaign and in the months leading up to it, and now we’ll find out how voters were listening, to whom they were listening, and what they heard.

The Liberals, the NDP and the Green Party all recognize that B.C. has its successes and shortcomings, but they see these strengths and weaknesses through different-coloured lenses. We have three distinct party platforms that would pull – or at least nudge – our province in a number of different ways.

It’s important to vote. If you can, you should. One vote makes a difference because every vote is counted the same, and why should we leave as significant a decision as the governing of British Columbia to be made by others? The vote could be close in the Nanaimo riding in particular, and elections can be unpredictable and votes might matter even more than we expect in Parksville-Qualicum and Nanaimo-North Cowichan, too.

Our electoral system is far from perfect, and not all of us will wind up with the representation we want. But we still need to vote so that our politicians better recognize the array of voices out there and be leaders and advocates for all of us.

To vote, refer to the ‘where to vote’ card you received in the mail. Or bring identification and proof of address such as two different utility bills to your local voting station today between 8 a.m.-8 p.m.

B.C. is too important to get wrong. So are we getting B.C. right? Can we be better? Today is the day to think about these questions and then do something about it.

About the Author: Nanaimo Bulletin News Staff

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