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Downtown needs to be spruced up

I would rather see my taxes going to sprucing up Nanaimo than having to yearly keep the white elephant mainly empty convention centre open.

To the Editor,

Re: Actions would speak louder than grumbling on downtown revitalization, Letters, Jan. 20.

The letter writer needs to be made aware that it is the Downtown Nanaimo Business Improvement Association’s job to purchase any Christmas lights for downtown, not Tourism Nanaimo, whose job it is to market the city. And speaking of the city, it has little interest with buying such festival lighting, referring such tasks to the BIA which receives its funding from taxpayers. But I too ask, why isn’t there more festive lighting?

Ladysmith definitely has Nanaimo residents flocking in droves to enjoy its downtown festivities. My family and I made sure we headed there during the big light up celebration, along with thousands and thousands of other moms and dads and families. And a week later we took out-of-town friends there.

I would rather see my taxes going to sprucing up Nanaimo than having to yearly keep the white elephant mainly empty convention centre open.

Some do need to get their facts straight and not gloat over the careless spending of my taxes.

J.C. BroderickNanaimo