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Dog feces can’t compare to litter woes

Re: Dog problem requires more enforcement, Letters, June 7.

To the Editor,

Re: Dog problem requires more enforcement, Letters, June 7.

Tom McCartney’s serious control issues, disguised as ‘dog-poo fixation’, would be well-served if positively harnessed.

I suggest he satisfy his litter phobia by cruising the back roads and spending time picking up real litter. For this job, he will require a huge truck, a couple of hefty helpers and a lifetime commitment to rid our pristine areas of hundreds of old batteries, tires, mattresses and anything else careless people illegally and immorally choose to discard.

McCartney could also enlist friends as patrol officers to patrol vulnerable areas in an attempt to mitigate this enormous, ongoing and environmentally damaging litter problem.

If he has any spare time, I suggest getting a dog to learn about compassion and how to get a life.

And, he should avoid trivial letter-writing until such time as he can report on the real litter in the world.

Shirley Lee
