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Cyclists need co-operation, not just painted bike lanes

I urge motorists when faced with the need to overtake cyclists to pause a little and consider how to do it in a considerate manner.

To the Editor,

Re: Life in the bike lane, Nov. 27.

I was one of the cyclists who participated with the City of Nanaimo in the opening ceremony of a bike lane on Bruce Avenue.

As part of a worldwide pattern, Nanaimo is encouraging its citizens to leave their cars at home more often. Part of the strategy is to encourage people who are risk averse to walk or cycle by building better infrastructure. It has been shown in other cities that as the numbers of cyclists on the road increases motorists become more cautious and aware. Everybody benefits by an increased level of safety.

After the ceremony several of us pedalled to a restaurant downtown. On the way we were subject to a hasty and risky passing move by a large pickup truck. Most of us adult cyclists also drive a car. We are not out there deliberately trying to delay other road users. I urge motorists when faced with the need to overtake cyclists to pause a little and consider how to do it in a considerate manner. It rarely takes much extra time. We are all in this together whether we like it or not.

Charles AltonNanaimo