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City's waterfront has marketable charm

Nanaimo is a city with an exceptionally beautiful setting plus a highly attractive living environment.

To the Editor,

We are frequent visitors to Nanaimo and for the second time in the past month my wife and I had the opportunity to stay at the Coast Bastion Hotel overlooking the harbour.  Nanaimo is a city with an exceptionally beautiful setting plus a highly attractive living environment.

In the press I read criticisms of your mayor and council – taxes are too high, spending too much money, should be doing this, shouldn’t be doing that, etc. This happens in all communities (praise them, elect them, cheer them, boo them, dump them).  However, in walking and driving around this particular city we see outstanding educational and health care amenities, impressive recreational facilities, a uniquely picturesque harbour wisely utilized, enviable ocean and inland park sites, delightful waterfront walkways, the historically preserved character of a mainstreet thoroughfare, and great places to stay and dine.

Nanaimo you are sitting in the middle of your very own acre of diamonds. Be grateful. This has not occurred by accident. Those responsible have undertaken and obviously continue to undertake imaginative and creative planning thereby allowing us all to take full advantage of such a wondrous setting. We have to believe that leaders from the past and in your midst today have in so many ways been making some right decisions.

As an outside observer I humbly urge that you give full focus and take thoughtful and serious action in accelerating means and ways to attract people to reside and work in or within close proximity of downtown and the south end. This will be central to fuelling the engine and stimulating the heartbeat of your progressive and economically diversified community. In the meantime, Nanaimo, you can deservedly be very proud of your magnificent Harbour City.

Graeme RobertsBrentwood Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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