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City spending habits need rethinking

Re: Referendum on loan for water treatment plant planned for fall, June 16.

To the Editor,

Re: Referendum on loan for water treatment plant planned for fall, June 16.

I think it is about time our city puts some thought into saving, not spending all the city’s money now and in the future.

Why do they not cancel the new annex plan? They could then save $13.4 million or so and take the whole $22.5 million from the surplus fund.

We could then use one of the many empty schools we have in the city for the annex. This would solve both the school board’s problem of the cost of having empty schools and save us having to build the annex.

The old annex could be used by small business, as I am sure it meets or exceeds the building standards for ‘non-taxpayer-funded’ workplaces.

This all could be done without a referendum or increase in taxes.

The city could then wait until the surplus builds back up before dreaming up any new spending plans. This is something that the taxpayers of this city do with their own spending every day.

Terry Wagstaff
