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Beefs Bouquets, Nov. 15

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
Beef to the un-self-aware neighbour complaining that their dog was being antagonized to bark by a neighbour answering a cellphone call. Maybe deal with the source of your problem, you.

BOUQUET To the person behind me at Lantzville gas station who, after we clunked bumpers, drove away without any hassle. I waited by the pumps but you never came back. My beater and I appreciate it.

BEEF To the fencing company that never replied to both e-mail and phone enquiries and to the company that did reply, came to the house to estimate, then never forwarded their estimate or replied to phone messages.

BOUQUET To the informed government website for its ‘alien species alert’ regarding grey squirrels, a threat to our native species and birds: Grey squirrels cause damage to homes. Our native species is being displaced by grey squirrels.

BEEF To the individual in the grey car at the corner of Lesley/Westdale. That bang you heard as you side swiped me and my dog crossing the intersection, then continued to speed away, was the buckle on his harness. I hope it took out a big chip of paint or at least left a dent. Neither of us are hurt although I sense you were trying to hurt us as I was wearing a reflective jacket.

BOUQUET To my goat Pepper. You were super cute and friendly. Unfortunately for you, flavour trumps feelings and you were more tasty than friendly. Farm to table for the win.

BEEF To the grocery chain that claims to oppose food wastage but only offers points and low prices on large quantities of perishable food items. Please practise what you preach.

BOUQUET to Shanon K. of Royal LePage who made our move to Nanaimo smooth and enjoyable. Shanon’s expert knowledge helped us find the perfect place, then she provided resource lists of contractors and local places to check out. Many thanks.

BEEF I was in the waiting room at a tire shop and was dismayed to see a woman client being treated with typical male arrogance and disrespect for not knowing the mechanics of tire maintenance. You are being employed because of our ignorance. We are all uniquely gifted. Are we now paying for humiliation and embarrassment?

BOUQUET To the beefer who beefed about losing money at the casino for directly contributing to funding programs that support non-profit organizations. Although it was a loss to you, it was a gain to members of our community who need it. I hope this perspective turns your frown upside-down.

BEEF To family court judges. As a judge, if you believe it’s OK to compare your own life circumstances to the families in front of you, please check your privilege and unconscious bias at the door. It’s embarrassing that this even still has to be addressed. Perhaps it’s time to retire.

BOUQUET Thank you to all who donated to the Poppy Campaign at my Royal Canadian Legion Branch 256 table at Country Club Centre. You are all great and kind. You filled my heart with love and joy with all your stories. See you again next year I hope.

BEEF To Nanaimo gas stations, please explain why gas in Nanaimo is 20 cents a litre more than Vancouver? Don’t forget the additional transit tax in Vancouver.

BOUQUET To the councillors who voted against the bylaw to limit natural gas. I will be voting for them again. Sorry to admit I was duped into voting for several of the others, but not again. Hydro has already announced to expect the worst this winter.

BEEF Transit is not reliable and efficient. The No. 30 and No. 40 are often late, need to do better please. It has never been this bad.

BOUQUET Many thanks to realtor Ian Thompson of RE/Max. Very helpful and professional in the sale of our condo. A very service-oriented approach.

BEEF To the un-self-aware neighbour complaining that their dog was being antagonized to bark by a neighbour answering a cellphone call. Maybe deal with the source of your problem, you.

BOUQUET To Prime Minister Trudeau. You are doing an awesome job under difficult circumstances, thank you.

BEEF To the group of women at aquafit class who continually talk while the instructor is talking. You are being very rude to the instructors while you carry on. Maybe you could just do the exercises then meet afterward for coffee to catch up. We are very lucky to have the instructors back again after not having any for a few months.

BOUQUET To the oil companies for giving us a break on fuel lately after once again the government has failed to give us any help whatsoever.

BEEF To those snarking about the long-term care facility to be constructed. Especially those publicly grumbling about being a taxpayer who has to support people who are addicted to drugs who may receive services there. Public record shows a history of incarceration after being caught profiting from them.

BOUQUET To Origin Optometry for their quick action when I had an emergency eye problem. They were an awesome team to get me to Victoria for special attention the same day. Bouquet to Dr. Henderson and Dr. Warder.

BEEF While driving south on Uplands, and in a school zone, a motorcycle two cars behind me pulled out and passed me and the car behind. Then, still ignoring the speed limit, passed the bus ahead of us as well before leaving all of us in the dust. I know RCMP have their hand full but could they not start to focus on these ‘roadway cowboys?’

BOUQUET To Dylan and Penny at London Drugs at Port Place shopping centre. A great place to shop, great customer service. As your customer, you made an 80-year-old lady feel special. Bouquet also to London Drugs at Nanaimo North Town Centre and manager Doug and staff. Great service.

BEEF To the beefer complaining about losing at the casino and then complaining to the manager that they’re not being allowed to win. It’s almost like that’s the concept of gambling or something.

BOUQUET To my neighbour’s free-roaming cat. It delivered a big dead rat to my patio on its patrol through my property to a neighbour’s backyard chicken enclosure.

BOUQUET Thanks so much to the kind, friendly, staff at Rock City LifeLabs, they all helped me to realize there are still caring people in this world. It was a medical visit, but they made my day cheerful.

BEEF To the downtown organization that cannot be bothered to pay its staff on time.

BOUQUET To the people from Jim Pattison Group for upscaling our little store in Nanoose, which is still a Quality Foods. Change is good, you carry on. We are not the first store to partner with another. Heartfelt thanks to those who made this happen and made us a better company.

BEEF To the city for going woke. If you want to be truly inclusive, why don’t you paint the crosswalk with a City of Nanaimo, or B.C. flag? Maybe if you don’t like that, a Canadian maple leaf flag. Maybe ask a large number of residents of the city what they would like.

BOUQUET Well done Madison and Connor for a new baby on the way, making me very happy, my 13th great-grandbaby. Love Nan.

BEEF To the beefer who beefed about there being too many beefs. Why are you so negative?

BOUQUET When I hear the ambulance sirens I’m always thankful that I’m not a passenger.

BEEF To the president of an institution in Nanaimo who sits back with their tea, dunking doughnuts during a budget crisis.

BOUQUET Many thanks to Edo Japan at Country Club Centre for always providing great food, excellent customer service and for keeping their restaurant very clean. Great job.

BEEF To natural gas furnace advocates. No, your natural gas furnace will not keep you warm during a power outage. Unfortunately, the circuit boards, relays, and blower motors are powered by electricity.

BOUQUET To Newlands Outdoor Projects which does our neighbourhood irrigation blowouts every year. He also designed and installed a great drip irrigation system for my large backyard ‘woodland.’ He always shows up when he says he will, does a great job at a reasonable price, and does it with a smile and gentle humour.

BEEF To entitled people who continue to ignore the fireworks ban. You’ve heard it all before but you traumatize refugees, pets and wildlife, SPCA rescue animals, and you cause fires and injuries. But your biggy bangs and sparkly lights are more important, right?

BOUQUET To all the first responders and Fortis B.C. who dealt with the car crash and subsequent gas leak on Victoria Road. They were quick, professional and kind. And especially to the two civilians who obviously had first aid training who took control and assisted the victims. I hope the family in the car are doing OK. Despite all the beefs we live in a great community.

BEEF To Nanaimo city council for accepting that the alternate approval process for allocation of $48.5 million for Phase 1 for the public works yard is a legitimate means of engaging the public. This project will eventually be the most expensive endeavour for our city that has ever been considered.

BOUQUET To the beef directed to the librarians about 201 readers on the reserve list nowhere in line. Thank you for shining a light on one of the issues staff have been silenced on. Your property taxes are being used to fluff their feathers supporting a multimillion-dollar project elsewhere, at the expense of your local library services.

BEEF To the shoplifters. Beef to those who buy stolen goods. Beef to the parents who don’t ask their children where they got that new item. Stealing is wrong and hurtful, especially to small, local shops.

BOUQUET To the excellent ER doctor whom I saw when I was suffering from migraines. Sorry I did not get your name but you were patient, professional and thorough. I was that person crying in the waiting room in agony, but nonetheless, I got the evaluation and treatment that I needed and am now thankfully recovered.

BEEF To the person who had COVID-19 and travelled on the ferry. I am a deckhand and required to patrol the boat for your safety. The selfishness you display by boarding public transportation is astonishing. You can add this to the mountain of abuse we receive working there from the general public. Now I am sick and unable to work, further straining the low employee numbers.

BOUQUET To the editor for his top-notch reporting about the pro-SOGI counterprotests. Thank you for your unwavering support of the 2SLGBTQIA-plus community. Beef to the beefer complaining about not being heard. Freedom of expression exists on both sides, and it doesn’t mean others are obligated to listen.

BEEF It is difficult to grasp how inept our council is regarding fiscal matters. Following are some examples: Front Street and Metral Drive, the proposed bus exchange calamity, limiting natural gas heating, and now a $48.5-million works yard proposal. Strict rules should be instituted to restrict council’s wasteful spending unless a referendum is held or projects are approved by a public committee.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail