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Beefs & Bouquets, May 22

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
Beef to the young man running along the Westwood Lake trail who came along three senior women enjoying the trail together. We apologized for blocking your way. In return you used foul language and fingered us as you passed.

BOUQUET To my neighbour for noticing my clean driveway. I am inspired now to do it more often and the rest of the property, too. Many thanks.

BEEF Please could the person in Cedar who has bread on their front lawn to feed the crows think about putting up a nice bird feeder instead? These lovely little feathered friends bring it to our bird baths and makes a mushy slurry which needs to be cleaned daily. Thanks.

BOUQUET To all who get triggered by my slightly more than half-joking beefs about bike lanes or other frustrating things in life. Power cords.

BEEF On Shenton Road there is a short stretch of a ditch and a sidewalk and bike lane all wider than the road and it is jutting out right in the middle of the road. It starts abruptly and ends abruptly. Shockingly dangerous to anyone who might be momentarily distracted especially on a dark and rainy night. It makes no sense whatsoever.

BOUQUET To my incredible husband. Thank you for working so hard, your son and I appreciate everything you do to take care of us.

BEEF Travelling south on Terminal, I stopped for the red light at Townsite, signalled and proceeded to make a right turn. A cyclist riding on the sidewalk and through the crosswalk didn’t even look or stop for the red light. I could have easily hit him. Also about a week before another person was riding the sidewalk on Front Street instead of using the bike lanes. Come on, obey the rules of the road. You do not always have the right of way.

BOUQUET To Premier Eby and Mayor Krog for recognizing the need to walk back the legalization of drug abuse. Deaths due to drug overdoses are tragedies and of course we want to prevent them but that does not mean enabling users. It must also be recognized that people choosing to make productive use of their lives deserve to be protected from those engaged in self-destructive lifestyles and providing that protection is a legitimate role of government.

BEEF To the mall for trying to make employees park the farthest from the mall. Late-shift female workers’ safety doesn’t seem to be a concern apparently.

BOUQUET To Emily. You were truly an employee who stood out, you definitely caught the eye of management and your co-workers alike. In fact, your workplace conduct in your final years was nothing short of remarkable. You have finally been recognized for everything you have done and rendered in the workplace. I wish you similar success in future endeavours.

BEEF To all the drivers who feel entitled to just zoom on behind me in a parking lot barely squeaking by coming out of nowhere after I am already three-quarters to fully backed out of my spot. How is this OK? So frustrating and sad that these people would rather risk an accident just because they can’t wait a few seconds.

BOUQUET To the considerate person who turned in my lost hearing aid to the pharmacy outside the elevator at the medical clinic near the hospital. So very much appreciated. You made my year.

BEEF To the young man running along the Westwood Lake trail who came along three senior women enjoying the trail together. We did not hear you approach until the last minute and at that time moved to let you pass and apologized for blocking your way. In return you used foul language and fingered us as you passed. Shame on you and hope your mother never finds out what a rude son she raised.

BOUQUET To the city for the beautiful banners on Bowen Road. I love the design on them and the colours. So beautiful flapping in the breeze.

BEEF To the so-called management in mobile home parks and the way they bully and make up their own rules or change them. Something should be done about the power they have and picking on the weaker people who will not go after them.

BOUQUET To the parents of beautiful, smart daughters, but shame on you for permitting them to fly around the Rock City area on motorized scooters with no helmets, often on the wrong side of the road. Educate yourselves and your children about head injuries, please, before it is too late.

BEEF To the kids who stole my prized frog statue from my front yard. Please return my frog unharmed, I am begging you.

BOUQUET To the research office for helping us researchers find ways to avoid teaching duties.

BEEF To Island Health for parking fleet vehicles at NRGH. The parking at the hospital is atrocious yet you park in the ambulatory parking in front of the cancer clinic. Where are cancer patients supposed to park for treatments? Park them off site.

BOUQUET To the guy in the kayak at Westwood Lake who got my bobber back for me when it broke off when I was fishing.

BEEF An unhoused person was dropped off at the end of our street. They got naked, went to the bathroom and then hid their illegals in the area. When we flagged the CSOs down they told us they wanted to give the person time to sort their stuff before taking them to shelter. In the same area, three of my neighbours were pepper-sprayed and threatened with a knife by the same group. Would the city stop aiding and abetting these activities?

BOUQUET To the News Bulletin Kids’ Corner for the word ‘empathy’ and its meaning. Hopefully, adults read it too. The world needs more empathy, less selfishness.

BEEF To big pharma. Now that you’ve been given a cap for what you can charge, you’ve decided to hone in on a different medication with better profits while 8.4 million Type 1 diabetics are left wondering where their next life-sustaining medication is going to come from. Rationing is going to kill people. Do you even care?

BOUQUET To the paramedic who got out and helped an elderly lady with a cane walk across not one but two roads at the corner of Boundary and Dufferin.

BEEF Let’s remember that all the construction workers downtown are just doing their jobs. Verbally abusing them is not going to make the construction go away any faster. It’s not their fault there have been so many delays, so please stop harassing them. Treating people the way I’ve seen some be treated is disgusting. To all the construction workers out there, some of us do appreciate you.

BOUQUET To the honest citizen who turned in my son’s wallet to the bus driver. All ID and such still in place. Thanks so much.

BEEF At a veterans’ lunch, people had to stand in line to get their spaghetti. Our veterans deserve to be served at their table not have to get their lunch.

BOUQUET Thanks to the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce, volunteers, and sponsors for honouring Acclaim Celtic Dancers with four prestigious awards at the Nanaimo Business Awards. We also extend our gratitude to the community for their votes and support.

BEEF To the person(s) who stole the three floral mugs, cleaning supplies, bags and tools from the cupboard during our estate/garage sale in Parksville. We should have been more attentive, but shame on you.

BOUQUET To the beefer who beefed about the beefer beefing about your elementary teachers teaching you about the ‘i before e’ rule. I agree. But the rule is a bit weird.

BEEF Not impressed with the city nor the developers who tend to put the cart before the horse. Why not focus on what we already have such as an overcrowded hospital, a shortage of walk-in clinics, a shortage of doctors, a shortage of resources for people experiencing homelessness and the list goes on. What is the purpose of more building and development when we don’t have adequate resources for the people already living here in Nanaimo?

BOUQUET To me, because I can buy myself flowers and do so regularly.

BEEF To the owner of that dog that barks a lot near the park in the hospital district. Be more considerate, it is unpleasant to listen to this every day at all times. Please train it better.

BOUQUET To the Comfort Group for their very quick installation of my new heat pump.

BEEF Emotional support dogs are not service or working dogs. There is massive difference. Service dogs have had years of training. Someone’s pet needs to stay home and not be brought into stores unless it’s properly trained to do so and medically required. Ordering a vest online does not make your dog a service animal. The government needs to crack down on this nonsense.

BOUQUET To the publishers of the Yellow Pages which just arrived at my door. So much information in it from non-emergency numbers, distress centres and services, to restaurants, government services and my phone number.

BEEF To the beefer against mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion programs who prefers keeping out peoples who have been long excluded and clinging to subconscious biases. Also, lemmings don’t go (and never have gone) over cliffs. Disney made that up.

BOUQUET To the Cowichan Performing Arts Centre for giving area residents the opportunity to see the Met’s Live in HD operas as encores, and to the kind volunteers who provided us all with coffee. Carmen and Madama Butterfly coming up in June.

BEEF To the few repetitive Metral Drive bouquet praisers. Give it a rest. It really is one big expensive, catastrophic mess for the majority, especially the Enterprise Way section.

BOUQUET To the people who helped my husband when he fell and hit his face on the pavement when we were taking a walk on the seawall. Thank you so much for calling the ambulance and for trying to make my husband comfortable.

BEEF Many years ago there was a chap named Robin Hood who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Today we have something called casinos that steal from the poor and give to the rich. Ours has to be one of the greediest. Where does the money go?

BOUQUET To the persons responsible for fixing the potholes on Jingle Pot Road. Thanks a lot.

BEEF To the province and City of Nanaimo. Our once nice city has become a bedlam of dysfunction, crime and now densification. Moving is now the only option left.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail