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Beefs & Bouquets, Feb. 9

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET Shout out to the Chase River Country Grocer for being such a generous organization by giving back to the community in so many different ways. They also have some of the most kind and joyful staff members that I have ever come across. You know that you can always feel good about shopping there.

BEEF To the person who is not telling Lisa’s loved ones what happened to Lisa. It has almost been 20 years. She deserves to come home. Justice for Lisa.

BOUQUET To the mayor and council who approved the additional building in our city. Without the building being done, the price of housing would increase substantially. People are moving here from the mainland, cashing in their houses for $2-3 million and more. If housing inventory did not increase, we would have even more homelessness/housing problems. The increase in all types of housing in Nanaimo gives consumers a choice, keeps the prices lower than Greater Vancouver, and provides jobs.

BEEF To the bureaucrats working in public health for collecting their cushy paycheques while their directives deny us the right to earn a living. We all do our best to follow the rules, but the goalposts keep getting moved back. We have had enough. Maybe all of you should spend weeks in solitary confinement with no access to your loved ones, just like what you all foist upon the retirement communities.

BOUQUET To Lantzville Village Pub. Good food, friendly service and safety protocols in place.

BEEF Be kind to pedestrians, it’s dangerous to walk on the roads. If you live where you are lucky enough to have a sidewalk, it is your responsibility to shovel it. The city could boost the snow removal budget by handing out fines to the people who don’t shovel their sidewalks.

BOUQUET To a beautiful young couple who helped us get a car out of a pile of deep snow at the entrance to Morrell Nature Sanctuary. Much appreciated.

BEEF I would like to complain about the city plows. My road in front of my house was never plowed without lots of snow left behind. My garbage was not collected due to the roads being unsafe. Now it’s posted I can take my garbage out to the city dump with no charge. How is it my road is safe for me to drive out to the dump but not safe enough for city garbage trucks? Even the little postal truck can drive on my road to ensure mail delivery.

BOUQUET I would like to thank RCMP Const. Harris who helped my son and I. He came to my son’s home to bring the terrible news of the sudden death of my son’s father, and acted with great kindness and professionalism. I am grateful that we have such fine young police officers to help us in time of need.

BEEF To RDN Transit management. Throughout 2021, you were seeking transit user feedback on ways of improving your services and after seeing the latest No. 40 schedule, why even bother? Clearly, nothing was taken into account even though it’s the most used route by commuters as it links the downtown right up to Woodgrove Centre. The schedule looks no different from the 1980s.

BOUQUET I work at NRGH and I was looking for a parking spot as usual. A man wearing a green coat and driving a grey truck moved his truck out so he could shovel enough snow for me to get my car into the spot so I could go to work. Thank you.

BEEF To the city crew that pushed a huge pile of snow up on my boulevard and wrecked my rockery and border along the sidewalk, actually pushing some of the rocks onto the sidewalk. Tax dollars at work I guess.

BOUQUET Thank you to the gentleman who helped me up from the pavement and escorted me to my car after I was struck by a car at Port Place. The driver should report the accident to police and ICBC.

BEEF To B.C. Ferries for again crying about staffing. Hire full-time permanent and your problem is solved or keep hiring casual/on call. Definition of insanity, really.

BOUQUET Thank you to Nate and his pickup truck that helped get my girlfriend’s car unstuck in the snow on Christmas night. You showed up at exactly the time we needed you most – a true Christmas miracle.

BEEF To the RDN for wasting resources on flags. Take them all down. Problem solved. It’s getting ridiculous.

BOUQUET To the News Bulletin. We appreciate once again having a carrier – we missed you. Also, for choosing to have Jan. 5 dedicated to bouquets only. Ever considered making room for only half the number of beefs as bouquets?

BEEF To the neighbours who blew the snow from their driveway onto our property. We have enough snow, we don’t need yours also, thank you.

BOUQUET Thanks to Len at Deerwood. Every snowfall he’s out with his snow blower helping his neighbours clear driveways. A true gentleman.

BEEF I’m fully vaccinated and was first in line as soon as possible but now with Ontario giving people their fourth dose and my 67-year-old mom hasn’t had her third. Dr. Henry, why now herd immunity? Why didn’t we do this two years ago? Replace her.

BOUQUET To my high school friend Donnie R. I’m so happy to have you in my life again. Your support, love and encouragement are my lifeline. We may not see each other enough but thanks for loving me.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo, I have one thing to say to you: potholes.

BOUQUET To Chris B., the News Bulletin’s awesome photographer and reporter. Rosy-cheeked brothers sledding, parents and children at the rink, an otter, classic subjects with a fresh modern twist. Thank you for connecting our community.

BEEF To the young lady at the big box store for wearing your mask the whole time shopping under your chin like a scarf. Beef also to your entitled ‘don’t tell me what to do’ response when I asked you to wear it properly. Next time you wish to go against store mask policies do us all a favour and stay home or find a different store to shop at during this pandemic. Thanks.

BOUQUET To city road clearing crews who worked over Christmas to deal with our recent snowfall. And a beef to everyone unfairly criticizing their efforts.

BEEF To a local plumbing company that sent a so-called journeyman to install a diverter valve in my shower. Wall already opened up, studs exposed. Guy doesn’t know how to do it, has to call another plumber to come help him. I’m charged for two plumbers, $775 total, to install a simple diverter valve that I supplied. Absolutely brutal for a local company to treat a senior this way.

BOUQUET I met Anne at a food store recently. Each of us wanted to buy just one muffin. Realizing they are only sold pre-packaged two at a time, we agreed to split the package. Anne didn’t accept money from me. Thank you. I had a chance to make someone’s day special later that day. Yes, Nanaimo is a good place to be a senior.

BEEF To the beefer who complained about the building in Nanaimo. Without all the building, people would not have homes to live in. You may find Langford difficult to drive in but that is the consequence of growth. As the population increases it is necessary to build more homes.

BOUQUET Thanks to Joel and his wife for shovelling snow for us seniors on Christmas and Boxing Day. Good luck on your retirement from Buttertubs. We will miss you.

BEEF To the city for allowing a contractor to leave a large depression in the Front Street and Gabriola ferry crosswalk. Wheelchairs, walkers and bike riders have to wade through when it rains and then slide and fall when it freezes.

BOUQUET To the person who found my phone at Chase River Country Grocer and called to let me know. I’m sorry I didn’t get your name but want to say how very much it was appreciated.

BEEF Canada Post frequently misses one, two and even three days’ deliveries per week to my community mailbox. When a large multinational company inquired on my behalf as to why my small parcel was and still is delayed, Canada Post said it was due to the holidays. I suspect the real reason is that the item was either pilfered or lost and will never be delivered. So much for ‘the mail must get through.’

BOUQUET To the people who realize how fortunate we are to live in Canada. Treasure your freedom and your life.

BEEF To the prime minister. I’m 74 and can’t afford rent so I live partially in my car. I got CERB one time only to help with food. The government reduced my supplements. Now I can’t afford enough gas, not to drive around, but to warm my car at night as it’s darn cold.

BOUQUET To the mall security guard who witnessed the assault on the senior and called 911. Beef to the punks who punched and spat on him after he asked them not to block the stairs. Yet another trouble spot.

BEEF To whoever is running the show for cancelling a tradition, the polar bear swim, that is outside where it is both below freezing and in the outside atmosphere. Really?

BOUQUET To the three young men who stopped to help my husband after he fell and broke his hip at Vancouver Island University in the fall. May good Karma follow you for the rest of your lives. We are forever grateful.

BEEF To those complaining about the new name for the ferry. The one who pays for the caboodle has the right to name the vessel. So there.

BOUQUET To our mayor for your input on the Protection Island property. Good job, good man.

BEEF The vaccination business will be with us for a long, long time. Nobody kills the goose that lays golden eggs.

BOUQUET To Chris C. at NexGen Hearing for outstanding care and attention to detail in fitting me with the best hearing aids for my particular hearing deficiency. I am so grateful.

BEEF To the Protection Island property owners who opposed the cabin. Now that you people are set up, let’s not let anyone else in.

BOUQUET To remarkable residents of the Sedona/Rheanna neighbourhood who volunteered as an outstanding team to attend to two elderly folks who found themselves and their vehicle mired in slush and ice.

BEEF The fear factor makes people obey, even against their beliefs.

BOUQUET Thank you to the young boy who handed me a happy new year floral bouquet last week outside of Port Place mall. I intend to pay it forward. You are a very generous, kind young man.

BEEF To whoever decided to throw the newspapers all over the road at Cedar Bridge. Based on the fresh liquor bottles, I’m assuming it wasn’t kids. If you don’t like the news, try ignoring it instead. Bouquets to everyone who thanked me as I was cleaning it up.

BOUQUET To Norm’s Plumbing and Heating for coming through with a new furnace when the old one died.

BEEF Beefs & Bouquets without beefs is like soup without salt.

BOUQUET Hugs to my amazing friends Sue, Doreen, Candis, Jan, Deborah, Leslie, Andrea, Jill, Julia plus others who supported me through this difficult year.

BEEF To the person who misappropriated the money from the non-profit society.

BOUQUET To Mark our over-kind, considerate neighbour who kept 10 driveways and the cul-de-sac on Frankies Place clear through the snow. Thank you.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo’s 2022 budget. What else is not really new? Nanaimo taxpayers get stuck with the bills.

BOUQUET To the mayor and city for taking a stand on the encampment under the bridge and clearing it out. The taxpaying citizens of this city are sick and tired of lawlessness.

BEEF When we talk about our disturbing society, we blame everything on mental illness. Maybe 10 per cent have mental health problems and need our help. For those who are bad by nature, there will be no ideal solution. Sending them to jail brings nothing. Suggestion: send them to build roads, plant trees. That will give us our parks back and safety to stroll our streets again by day and night – hopefully.

BOUQUET To my brother Bill for shovelling my car out on Boxing Day, and to my neighbour Tanya in Meredith Courts for doing the same during our second snow dump. With my recently dislocated knee I wasn’t able to move much and it really helped.

BEEF To the complainers about snow removal. We get snow an average of two days per year. Yet, you think the city should have snow-clearing equipment sitting in a yard somewhere for 363 days waiting to clear your street. It looks to me like they prioritized the major routes and got to your cul-de-sac when time permitted. I think they did a remarkable job with the extraordinary conditions thrown their way.

BOUQUET To my neighbours on Malibu Terrace for their efforts in helping elderly neighbours keep their driveway and sidewalk cleared during our Christmas snowfall. Much appreciated.

BEEF To the people complaining about the snow, lack of plow, salt, whatever. Look at where we live: it hardly snows at all, our city was not built for snow. And where do all these complainers work that you can constantly complain about nothing to people doing their best?

BOUQUET To Joan who delivers papers on Stampede Trail. We were not expecting a paper at all during the heavy snowfalls and the paper was there as usual each time. Couldn’t believe she would plow through all that snow.

BEEF The city’s explanation for streets not being cleared wasn’t good enough. Poor planning further led to not picking up garbage for and further led to mail not being delivered. This was not our worst snow year. Unacceptable performance and planning by all departments.

BOUQUET Thanks to all the wonderful neighbours on Crystal Place. Due to health this winter we couldn’t clean our driveway. Three beautiful ladies for days kept our driveway clean. What a wonderful surprise. All the best to you for a great new year.

BEEF Instead of bike lanes and fancy curbs that make plowing difficult, council should invest in more snow plows. All the beefs suggest that there must be a shortage of plows to get the job done.

BOUQUET To the couple on our street who split up. The husband used to plow our road when it snowed, now he doesn’t. Everyone on our street wanted a snow day and this year was like a winter wonderland.

BEEF To everybody who is still beefing about snow removal. Sure it may have been tricky over the holidays, but time get over it and move on.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail