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Agriculture issue gets out of hand

Re: Urban agriculture a complex matter, Guest Comment, June 28.

To the Editor,

Re: Urban agriculture a complex matter, Guest Comment, June 28.

The situation with the Compassion Farm, and the urban agriculture issue, has taken many turns since it was originally broached.

It started off as an Agriculture 101 issue, concentrating on food sustainability, our vulnerable supply on the Island, and people’s “rights” to grow food.

It then morphed into a discussion on the rules and regulations of growing food on properties – namely the bylaws concerning such activity.

The issue has now morphed into not about food, not about sustainability, not about one farm versus a bylaw, but about elected officials having to heed the wishes of the people. Last I checked that was called democracy.

I’m tired of governmental bodies ignoring the will of the electorate.

Councils at whatever level cannot go to the electorate for every little thing. That’s understandable, but when they invite you and they ask and it’s tilted one way, they’ve got to listen and act accordingly.

Ron Lazlock
