La Rochelle, There sa Ger trude. Born No vem ber 16, 1919 in Gravel bourg, Sas katche wan, tak en sud den ly and sense less ly June 3, 2002. Pre de ceased by her hus band Jo seph Alby La Rochelle, her sisters Lil lian Mas sett, Jac que line Pratt, broth ers Cha rles, An drew, and Jules Lav igne. She is sur vived by her daugh ters Aline El liott (Jim), Den ise Bar rass (Alan), Her son Marc La Rochelle (Judy), her grandchil dren Dan ny Knapp, Wen dy Mor lok (Tra cy), Paul La Rochelle, Wayne La Rochelle (Jen), Su san Bar rass, and Neil Bar rass, by her great grandchil dren Kyle and Cor al Mor lok, Brit ta ny Pen ner, Cole Bar rass, Connor La Rochelle, by her sisters Ga brielle Man sell, Jean nie Simp son, Lu cille Painchaud, and by nu merous nieces and nephews. There sa moved to Na nai mo in 1958 and set tled in her home on Ir win Street with her fam i ly. She loved her home and her neigh bours and want ed to live there as long as she was able. Fu ner al serv ic es will be held in the chap el of Mount Ben son Fu ner al Home, 125 Wal lace Street, Na nai mo, B.C. on Mon day, June 10, 2002 at 1:00 P.M. with in ter ment at Ce dar Val ley Memo ri al Gar dens. Re cep tion to fol low.
Mount Benson Funeral Home