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John COX

June 16, 2002

Cox, John, born in Duncan, BC on October 21, 1920 passed away peace ful ly in Ma las pi na Gar dens on June 16, 2002. Pre de ceased by his wife Au gust 22, 1998. He is sur vived by his lov ing fam i ly: son John and wife Yvonne, daugh ters; Lin da and hus band Al bert, Karen and Ed win, Mar lene and Don, Deb bie and Da vid, ten grandchil dren, and four great grandchil dren. Also sur vived by one sister, and four broth ers. Pri vate fam i ly cre ma tion, flow ers de clined, do na tions in mem o ry of John can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foun da tion. The fam i ly would like to con vey a spe cial thanks to the staff at Ma las pi na Gar dens for all the care and at ten tion given to their Dad.

Sands-Na nai mo

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