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David John MUL VOGUE

June 16, 2002

MUL VOGUE, David John (April 7, 1952 - June 16, 2002) age 50. David, Be loved son of Bert (de ceased) and Mary. Loved broth er of Ro bert, Mau reen, John, Pau line, Ber nar dine, and Ke vin. Broth er-in-law to Elaine, Ray, Paul and Jen ny, un cle to An drew and Jan, Bede, Mee gan, Va nes sa, Bren dan, Cather ine, Luke, Ale cia, Mitchell, Ju lia, Amy, Dom i nic and Kip. Dave, thank you for be ing part of our lives. You will be sad ly missed by us all. Peace be with you al ways. A vis i ta tion will be held at Sands Fu ner al chap el, One Newcastle Ave nue, Na nai mo on Tuesday, June 18 from 5:30 to 7:30. A fu ner al Serv ice will be held at Sands Fu ner al Chap el, on Wednesday, June 19, 2002, at 1pm with Sister Mar jor ie Kuntz officiating.

Sands - Na nai mo


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