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Annie, Maryh KALYNIUK

June 9, 2002

kalyniuk, An nie Mary born May 15, 1937 in Van couv er, B.C. An nie passed away peace ful ly in Na nai mo Hos pi tal, June 9, 2002 with her fam i ly by her side af ter a short ill ness. She is sur vived by her hus band, John, daugh ter Dar lene (Ed), grand sons Bran don and Shel don, son Alex (Kel ly). Fu ner al Serv ice will be held June 15, 2002 at 10:00am at St. Michael The Archangel Uk rai nian Ca thol ic Church, 4017 Vic tor ia Ave nue, Na nai mo. Flow ers grate ful ly de clined. In lieu of flow ers, please make a do na tion in mem o ry of An nie to The Canc er So cie ty, Di a betes As so cia tion or The Heart & Stroke Foun da tion. Re cep tion to fol low. Fu ner al Serv ic es pro vid ed by First Memo ri al. 754-8333.

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