pritchard, Alfred John (Slim) in Na nai mo, BC on June 1, 2002 af ter a short ill ness, born in Kam loops, BC, Oc tob er 9. A res i dent of Na nai mo since 1948, Slim was own er of Na nai mo Elec tric, a mem ber of the R.C.L. Branch 256, Past Pres i dent of Ki wa nis, Past Co-or di na tor with the Civil Defense Search and Res cue, a mem ber of the Ma so nic Lodge, a mem ber of The Shrine Gizth Tem ple Vic tor ia, of The East ern Star and of The Amar anth Lodge. Slim leaves to mourn his lov ing wife of 42 years Mar a lyn, 6 child ren: Franc es (Pete), Ani ta June (Jack), Stan ley E., Dor othy Shawn (Bar ry), Lyn (Mike) and Sharon. Grandchil dren: Bas tian, Ta mara, De mi tre, Tra ci and Myles. Great grandchil dren: Ash ley, Alisha, De ven. Niec es: Jo nelle, Mar a lyn, Cor al and Lau rene, his sister Dor othy (Jack) Glover, broth er Gor don, sister-in-law Hil ary (John) Han sen, also ex tend ed fam i ly mem bers and many friends. Serv ic es will be held on Sat ur day June 8, 2002 at 11:00 a.m. in Brechin Unit ed Church, Rev. Bert Ram say of fi ciat ing. In lieu of flow ers do na tions to The Or der of The East ern Star, c/o The Wor thy Ma tron’s Fund (for the care of Canc er pa tients at Na nai mo Hos pi tal), Box 2111, Stn. “A”, Na nai mo, BC V9R 6X6. Ar range ments en trust ed to
Tel ford’s Mor tu ary.