A Bylaw to remove park dedication on 502 Howard Avenue (old Harewood School Field).
Notice is Hereby Given That, pursuant to the Community Charter, the Council of the City of Nanaimo intends to adopt “PARK DEDICATION BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2023 NO. 7182.01”.
If adopted, the bylaw will authorize Council to remove the park dedication on 502 Howard Avenue (old Harewood School Field). This park dedication removal bylaw is running concurrently with “City Plan Amendment Bylaw 2023 No. 6600.001” and “Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2023 No. 4500.213” which are related to the Te’tuxwtun Project.
A copy of the proposed park dedication removal bylaw and other information regarding the Te’tuxwtun Project are available for viewing on the City website at or at the Legislative Services Department at City Hall, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC, from September 6, 2023, to October 6, 2023, during regular office hours: Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays.
Further Notice is Hereby Given That the City may proceed with removal of park dedication on 502 Howard Avenue unless, by the deadline, at least 10% of the electors of the City of Nanaimo sign and submit an elector response form opposing the removal.
For the purpose of this elector response opportunity, the number of elector responses required to prevent the City from proceeding with the park dedication removal bylaw without the assent of electors (referendum) is determined to be at least 7,833.
A report respecting the basis on which this determination was made is available upon request.
Elector Response Forms
The response of the electors must be in the form established by the Council of the City of Nanaimo. Elector Response Forms are available from Legislative Services at City Hall, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J6, on the City website at, or by phoning (250) 755-4405, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays.
An accurate copy of the elector response form may be utilized (either single-sided or double-sided), provided that the copy is made prior to any electors signing such form, so that only elector response forms with original signatures are submitted.
Elector Response Form Deadline
Elector Response Forms may be submitted in person, or by mail, to be received by the Corporate Officer, Legislative Services Department located at City Hall, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J6 NO LATER THAN 4:30 P.M. 2023-OCT-10. Elector
response forms must be in possession of the Corporate Officer by this time, as postmarks WILL NOT be accepted as date of submissions. ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. ELECTOR RESPONSE FORMS MAY NOT BE RETURNED BY EMAIL OR BY FAX.
Eligible Electors
The only persons entitled to sign an elector response form are the electors within the municipal boundaries of the City of Nanaimo, which is the area to which the approval process applies. Eligible electors are persons who meet all of the following Resident or
Non-Resident Property Elector qualifications:
A Resident Elector must:
- be 18 years of age or older;
- be a Canadian citizen;
- have been a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before signing the elector response from;
- be a resident of the City of Nanaimo;
- not be disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law; and,
- sign the elector response form and provide their municipal address.
A Non-Resident Property Elector must:
not be entitled to register as a resident elector in the City of Nanaimo;
- be 18 years of age or older;
- be a Canadian citizen;
- have been a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before signing the elector response form;
- have owned real property in the City of Nanaimo for at least 30 days before signing the elector response form;
- not be disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law;
- not be registered as a non-resident property elector in relation to any other parcel of real property within the City of Nanaimo;
- Provide their name and the address of the property in relation to which they are registering.
NOTE: If there is more than one registered owner of the property (either as joint tenants or tenants in common), only one of those individuals may, with written consent of the majority of the owner, register as a non-resident property elector. No corporation is entitled to be registered as an elector or have a representative registered as an elector and no corporation is entitled to vote.
More information may be obtained on the Alternative Approval Process by contacting Sheila Gurrie, Corporate Officer, at the City of Nanaimo City Hall at 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J6, or by telephone at (250) 755-4405.
Sheila Gurrie, Corporate Officer
City of Nanaimo