Gail Beaudoin
Gisele Beaudoin
Daniel Beaudoin, formerly of Space 13, Seabreeze Mobile Home Park, Nanaimo, BC
Take notice that pursuant to section 37(3) of the Regulation to the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act, the landlord of the Seabreeze Mobile Home Park at 25 Maki Road, Nanaimo, BC, intends to dispose of a 1994 Moduline Industries Ltd., Gibraltar 24077, 44’ x 24’, and its contents, (“the Property”) located in Seabreeze Mobile Home Park, Nanaimo, BC, 30 days after the publication date of this notice, unless you take legal possession of the Property.
After the expiration of the 30 day period, the Property will be disposed of with no further notice to you.
Lisa Buchanan,
Seabreeze Mobile Home Park, 25 Maki Road, Nanaimo, BC