July 27th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
There will be a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 27th, 2023, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Shaw Auditorium at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre at 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC to consider amendments to the “City of Nanaimo Zoning Bylaw 2011 No. 4500”. All persons who believe their interest in the property is affected by the proposed amendment bylaw will be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. Members of the public can participate in-person or electronically by viewing the meeting live-streamed online with the opportunity to call-in to speak to an agenda item. The application and call-in number will be displayed on the live-stream when the amendment bylaw is being considered. A copy of the bylaws and related information may be inspected from July 13th to 27th, 2023, from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays), at the City of Nanaimo, Development Services Division, Service and Resource Centre, located at 411 Dunsmuir Street.
Please visit for more information on how to participate in the Public Hearing and to view the proposed amendment bylaws and related information, or contact the Planning Department at (250) 755-4429.
Location: 355 Nicol Street, as shown on Map A
File No.: Rezoning Application – RA000489
The purpose of this bylaw is to rezone to the subject property with a site-specific amendment to increase the maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 1.50 to 2.23 and to increase the maximum permitted building height from 14.0m to 19.2m in the existing Community Service One (CS1) zone, to facilitate the development of a personal care facility. The subject property is legally described as: LOT A, SECTION 1, NANAIMO DISTRICT, PLAN EPP29088.
Location: 1224 Manzanita Place, as shown on Map B
File No.: Rezoning Application – RA000481
The purpose of this bylaw is to rezone the subject property from Low Density Residential (R6) to Medium Density Residential (R8) with site-specific density (limited to 0.45 FAR plus 0.25 bonus density) to facilitate a multi-family residential development with a maximum building height of 14.0m. The subject property is legally described as: LOT 2, DISTRICT LOT 18, WELLINGTON DISTRICT, PLAN EPP67988.
Written submissions must be provided no later than 2:00 p.m. July 27th, 2023, to ensure they are received by Council, and can be provided by any of the following methods:
ONLINE: Submit comments at or by email at
MAIL: City of Nanaimo, Development Services Department, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo BC, V9R 5J6
IN-PERSON: Deposit in the drop box outside of the Service and Resource Centre, located at 411 Dunsmuir Street.
Any written submissions received after 2:00 pm or at the Public Hearing will not be accepted. Following the close of a Public Hearing, no further submissions from the public can be accepted by members of Council. This is necessary to ensure a fair Public Hearing process and provide a reasonable opportunity for people to respond at the Public Hearing.
This Notice is published in accordance with Section 466 of the Local Government Act. Notice given by the Corporate Officer.
City of Nanaimo | Development Services
Division | Phone: (250) 755-4429