Nanaimo RCMP have a number of unsolved files which they hope the public can help solve.
Anyone with any information about the following crimes is asked to call Nanaimo RCMP at 250-754-2345 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or
On Dec. 3 at approximately 5:30 p.m., a male adult shoplifter was chased out of Fairway Market in Nanaimo North Town Centre. The suspect ran to an older model red car where a female driver was waiting for him. Once inside, they sped off through the parking lot. The suspect is a Caucasian male, mid 30s, six feet tall, 185 pounds. He had a full beard, moustache and shoulder length dark hair.
Sometime overnight on Dec. 3, graffiti was spray painted on a garage door to a home on Bradbury Road off Rutherford Road. The words ‘Taylor’ and ‘BOC’ were spray painted.
On Dec. 4 at 7:25 p.m., an adult male shoplifter at Save-On-Foods Country Club Centre made off with two packs of sausages and a bottle of Barq’s root beer. The male fled on a mountain bike and is described as six feet, medium build with a moustache and goatee. He wore tan pants and had a black backpack with him.
2012-33057 Sometime on Dec. 5, a 2002 Dodge Caravan was broken into while parked in the parking lot of the Real Canadian Superstore on Metral Drive. An anonymous note was left on the windshield stating a male with long hair was seen breaking into the van and took cigarettes. The male was also seen leaving the area in a green Dodge van.
On Dec. 6, a 2012 red Honda dirtbike with no plate attached was stolen from underneath steps to a home on Morley Road. The bike was taken sometime between 6-9 p.m.
On Dec. 8, a Norco Bush Pilot mountain bike was stolen from a carport in the 1400 block of Sherwood Drive. The bike has blue front forks.
On Dec. 10, a wooden shed located behind the Eagles Hall on Fraser Street was broken into. A freezer in the shed was broken into and a number of frozen turkeys and pork loin roasts were taken.
On Dec. 13, a home in the 700 block of Comox Road was broken into sometime between 8 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. The front door was kicked in and a TV, stereo, alcohol and shoes were stolen.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person responsible for these crimes. Citizens can provide anonymous information without fear of reprisal, without having to go to court.