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Nanaimo St. John Ambulance 100th anniversary activities

Nanaimo's St. John Ambulance Brigade will mark its 100th anniversary with events throughout the year.

Nanaimo's St. John Ambulance Brigade will mark its 100th anniversary with events throughout the year.

Terra Skirrow, branch manager, said upcoming events include a catered dinner with B.C. Lt.-Gov. Steven Point, to be held at the Nanaimo St. John Ambulance Branch.

The dinner originally set for June was postponed and organizers are waiting to set a specific date in September.

The brigade will hold public CPR demonstrations at Woodgrove Centre in October and in November will host an open house at its branch headquarters on Labieux Road in November when it will offer free one-hour CPR workshops.

"We'll have a hot dog sale, door prizes and draws for first aid kits," said Skirrow. "It's just an open house and people are welcome to drop in and learn some life-saving skills."

The brigade is also raising $75,000 this year to purchase a mobile first aid vehicle, to be used to treat sick or injured people at local events. Fundraising started in January.

Chris Bush

About the Author: Chris Bush

As a photographer/reporter with the Nanaimo News Bulletin since 1998.
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