If you’re one of those people who thinks the time change only exists to maximize our exposure of the sun, you’ve got it all wrong.
A survey released on Friday by BC Hydro suggests a majority of British Columbians don’t actually know why Daylight Saving Time exists.
READ MORE: B.C. offers to work with U.S. states on daylight saving time
Sixty per cent of respondents thought it’s to provide more sunlight during waking hours, but it was actually implemented more than 100 years ago as a way to conserve energy.
According to BC Hydro, many studies have found the electricity savings after a time change are insignificant, and a recent one out of Alberta suggests it actually increases energy use.
The utility plans to release a report this fall as to whether the time change really saves any energy.
Set your clock an hour forward on Sunday morning when Daylight Saving Time begins.
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