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Fall prevention tools available

B.C. physicians and other health professionals now have an additional resource to educate seniors in ways to prevent falls and stay healthy.

B.C. physicians and other health professionals now have an additional resource to educate seniors in ways to prevent falls and stay healthy.

Falls result in serious consequences to older people and cost the B.C. health-care system approximately $155 million annually. In 2010, more than 12,000 seniors were hospitalized for a fall-related injury in British Columbia and there were 940 deaths due to falls in 2009.

A history of prior falls, decreased muscle strength and poor balance are most strongly associated with an increased risk of falling among seniors. Evidence shows that many of these falls and injuries can be predicted and prevented.

A fall-prevention multimedia package from the B.C. government includes a video as well as written resources aimed at engaging both seniors and doctors. The video highlights ways to reduce fall risks, common health conditions related to falls and practical assessment tools.

Information on fall prevention can be found at: