Six Nanaimo residents are being recognized for their efforts to make the city more “culturally vibrant.”
On Jan. 30, the City of Nanaimo announced in a press release the recipients of its 2020 Culture and Heritage Awards.
“These awards recognize the best of Nanaimo’s culture and heritage volunteers and creative talent,” said Nanaimo Mayor Leonard Krog in a press release. “The work of these dedicated individuals contributes to our sense of cultural vitality and community pride. We are all proud of them.”
The Honour in Culture Award, recognizing those who are known for their “dedication and support of the development of the cultural fabric of Nanaimo” will go to Trish and Geoff Horrocks of Cross Canada Fiddle and the Fiddelium ensemble.
Mentor, motivational speaker and musician Patrick Aleck will receive the Emerging Cultural Leader Award, which honours local “up-and-coming” cultural leaders.
Classical pianist Devon Joiner has earned the Excellence in Culture Award, which is bestowed upon inspirational Nanaimo artists who are recognized regionally or nationally for having “demonstrated excellence in their field.”
The Honour in Heritage Award, which celebrates those who “demonstrate outstanding support, advocacy, promotion or interpretation of Nanaimo’s heritage and history,” will go to Hul’q’umi’num language advocates and cultural educators Gary and Adam Manson.
The award ceremony will take place at the Port Theatre on April 16. The event is free to attend, but reservations must be made in advance.
More details to come as the ceremony nears.
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