A short film about the proposed Northern Gateway project by Enbridge will be shown Tuesday (April 26) at 7 p.m. at Pacific Gardens Co-housing, 347 Seventh St.
Hosted by the mid-Island chapter of the Council of Canadians, the screening of Oil in Eden is open to all members of the public and will include a discussion after the film.
According to organizers, the movie is a “beautifully shot film which outlines the case against the proposed Enbridge pipeline and growing opposition to it.”
One of the controversial topics is oil tankers plying the dangerous shores of B.C.’s north coast where a moratorium on such vessels has been imposed for decades.
Enbridge claims the pipeline will give Canada a global market for its oil and create jobs.
The Northern Gateway pipeline project is a twinned 1,172-kilometre pipeline that could carry 500,000 barrels of petroleum daily from near Edmonton to Kitimat while a condensate pipeline would carry an average of 190,000 barrels from Kitimat to Edmonton.
The evening will also consist of other short films highlighting the dangers of current crude oil shipments from Vancouver’s harbour, which pose a threat to the Salish Sea.
For more information on the screenings, please contact midislandCOC@gmail.com.