Judging from the efforts participants put into the 144th Nanaimo Empire Days Celebration parade entries, the old saying ‘everyone loves a parade’, still rings true.
Judges had their hands full picking the top entries, and winners of the May 22 event included:
Best overall – Nanaimo Nemesis Roller Derby.
Best service club – Angels Abreast dragon boat team.
Best theme – St. Paul’s Anglican Church.
Best cultural presentation – Vancouver Island Visayan Association Philippines.
Best commercial float – Great Canadian Casino, first; Harbour City Music, second; Loyal Nanaimo Bathtub Society, third.
Best non-commercial float – Nanaimo Nemesis Roller Derby, first; St. Paul’s Anglican Church, second; Vancouver Island Raiders Football Club, third.
Best motorized presentation – Seattle Police Motorcycle Drill team, first; Mid Island Vintage Tractors, second.
Best classic car – Nanaimo Old English Car Club.
Best equestrian presentation – Plum Creek Ponies.
Best animal presentation – St. John Ambulance therapy dog unit.
Best children presentation – Fairview Community School’s Red Hot Chili Steppers.
Best high school marching band – North Thurston High School, first; Kentlake High School, second.
Best military band – Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Amphion, first; 205 Collishaw Air Cadets, second.
Best pipe band – Pipes and Drums of the Pacific Gael.
Best community stage band – Harbour City Music.
Best community marching band – Nanaimo Concert Band.
Best drill team – Corrections Provincial Honour Guard.
Best majorettes – North Thurston High School.
Honourable mention award – Navy League Band.