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Oil critics have other alternatives

Re: Oil industry gouging willing consumers, Letters, March 5.

Connections of city byelection ‘frontrunners’ troubling

Perusing the byelection coverage so far, it looks like there is a business backed candidate and a labour backed one, both touting themselves as the ‘frontrunners’ due to those connections.

Restricted hours for opening work well elsewhere

Re: Store sparks debate over 24-hour opening, March 3.

Rising gasoline costs smack of price fixing

Re: Oil industry gouging willing consumers, Letters, March 5.

EDITORIAL: Sober second look welcome

The provincial government is taking the right approach to concerns about the new drinking and driving penalties, not by changing the penalties, but looking at more public education and finding a way to make the penalties easier to appeal.

VIU profs need student support

GUEST COMMENT: How can we best preserve Canada’s lighthouses?

Canadians want to protect their iconic lighthouses. These landmarks bring alive our past, aid our boats and aircraft in the present, and could enhance our community life and regional revenues in the future. But how to preserve them?

Corporations ignore local values

Re: Store sparks debate over 24-hour opening, March 3.

COLUMN: Provincial parks worth celebrating

Go ahead and bust out the party hats and balloons, there’s an anniversary to celebrate.

All residents must support access to a good education

Re: VIU profs need student support, Letters, March 1.