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Strike could force students elsewhere

Re: VIU students fear for their future, March 24.

Profs not out for personal gain

Re: VIU students fear for their future, March 24.

EDITORIAL: Games lead to imminent vote

It was still officially undetermined as the News Bulletin’s press time approached Friday whether Canada is heading to the polls this spring, but unofficially, the campaign has already started.

COLUMN: Getting prepared not that difficult

Wright Turn

Both sides in strike get a failing grade

Re: VIU students fear for their future, March 24.

EDITORIAL: Onus on voter to participate

Residents have lots of chances to vote coming, starting with city byelection.

Government help on poverty lacking

Firstly, the March 10 editorial cartoon was bang-on – women are still only seen (mostly at least) as good floor sweepers and not corporate CEOs.

SCIENCE MATTERS: Energy use re-examination timely

The massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan are horrendous and heart-wrenching, and our thoughts are with the people of that country as they cope with the aftermath and the terrible losses they have suffered.

Re-thinking assumptions necessary

Re: Complaints show people care, Saturday Beat, March 19.

Students suffering through VIU strike

Re: Talks stalled in VIU strike, March 22.