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Wildwood worth saving

To sell Wildwood to a private party would be a terrible precedent for a property that was bought and paid for with public donations.

To the Editor,

Re: Forest’s future uncertain, March 17.

I am upset that The Land Conservancy is selling Merv Wilkinson’s Wildwood Ecoforest. To sell Wildwood to a private party would be a terrible precedent for a property that was bought and paid for with public donations. Hundreds of people helped to raise over $1 million with the understanding that the conservancy would hold Wildwood in trust to protect this legacy forever. Wildwood should never be sold to a private party, not even in part. Wildwood is too precious to lose. It’s one of the finest examples of ecoforestry in North America and has inspired and educated people from all over the world about sustainable forestry practices.

Time is of the essence. The conservancy is proceeding right this moment with plans to sell to a private party. We have formed a citizens’ group committed to ensuring that the ownership and management of Wildwood remains public.

If you would like to help, please join the Protectors of Wildwood group on Facebook and sign the petition.

Roblyn HunterNanaimo