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Wildlife refuge wrong idea

I read with dismay of the possibility of a wildlife ‘refuge’ in Maffeo Sutton Park.

To the Editor,

Re: Park improvement options explored, Aug. 11.

I read with dismay of the possibility of a wildlife ‘refuge’ in Maffeo Sutton Park. Unfortunately urbanity and wildlife do not mix well, and it is always at the expense of the animal. Refuge is by definition a place that provides safety and protection, neither of which would be possible in this situation.

In this day and age where animals’ degree of sentience is a known fact, does it not seem wrong to deprive wild animals of any semblance of natural existence to provide entertainment for families?

While I think plans for updating and improving Maffeo Sutton Park are great, I can promise you I will not be the only one protesting loudly if this option is seriously considered.

Trish MooneyNanaimo