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Water restrictions could be more fair

I find the Level 2 water restrictions punishing to homeowners.

To the Editor,

Re: Drought pushes water conservation, June 11.

As a home owner I feel discriminated against, with outside container plants that need watering three times a week, I find the Level 2 restrictions punishing to homeowners while condos, apartments and senior facilities can flush all the good fresh water down the drains at will.

Too bad the human waste disposal subject is too delicate to bring up. Ma Murray, publisher and editor of the Lillooet newspaper used to say before Dustin Hoffman in Meet the Fokkers, “If it’s brown, flush it down; if it’s yellow, let it mellow.” Because toilets consume most of the fresh water, consideration should have been given to what is taking the most water. Each flower planter only takes a litre of water to keep it alive. Depending on the age of your toilet you are using a lot of water.

Nanaimo is a green city and sadly by September so many young boulevard trees, shrubs and plants will be dead that the nurseries, if they have kept watering, will be hard pressed at replacing all the commercial and domestic plants.

And another thought. Will the city employ drones to monitor who is watering? Or will it just be, if your yard looks good you are breaking the law?

Mary Lou NordstromNanaimo