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Water decision reduces choice

Re: Blue Community taps turned on again by council, June 28.

To the Editor,

Re: Blue Community taps turned on again by council, June 28.

This ‘blue’ motion was ignorant of the fact that the First Nations in Nanaimo has had its water rights on the treaty table for many years.

I am in awe of how quickly a foreign group of people can walk into city council and waltz past a treaty and get the results they want in a prompt and legal manner.

The general public now has a choice to buy only canned pop or juice at city venues. The reason to replace bottled water with another bottled item makes absolutely no sense when it comes to a recycling boycott. The nutritional value choices that our city leaders are promoting will lead to obesity and diabetes.

To assume that our tap water is 100 per cent safe at any given time may be true at the source, but the age of the pipes that lead to the tap could dictate a different purity result.

An example of this is hot water from any tap is not potable. The water that goes through a hot water tank has particles of rust and metal caused by electrolysis in the tank.

This is just a small example of how particles in the system can affect the quality. Why does the city need to flush the sediments out every year and why does the tap water turn dirty when they do this? Is treated city water as pure as filter bottled water? Is providing children with pop or juice choices better than water?

Matt James
