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Various pipelines exist with little risk

Re: Sewage leak closes shellfish harvesting, July 31.

To the Editor,

Re: Sewage leak closes shellfish harvesting, July 31.

Why are we worrying about Enbridge’s pipeline in northern B.C. when we can’t even take care of our own backyard?

The arguments regarding Enbridge are a political tempest in a teapot.

All pipes and pipelines, whether water, sewage, oil, whatever, will have leaks at some point.

Enbridge (and all pipeline companies) need to be challenged to be responsible and build in as many ‘fail-safe’ back-up procedures as possible, but Enbridge is also a successful job-creating engine of the Canadian economy and is supporting many thousands of families with secure, high-paying jobs.

Let’s get the politics out of the way and start to focus on the facts.

People are very naive and obviously not thinking about how they will be heating their homes this winter and operating their cars, trucks, RVs and their favourite gas and oil-powered recreational tools and toys.

Pipelines aren’t evil. They don’t need to be stopped due to some ill-conceived policy of a self-serving political party.

Let’s direct our focus and attention to making them safer with better back-up systems and plans, and enjoy the tremendous benefits to our local and Canadian economy.

Jim Gain
